

The following is an excerpt from the book
Empath to Mystic: The Art of Mastering Your Intuition and Fearlessly Being Yourself by Aaran Solh

Spaciousness & Mystical Genius

A life lacking in receptivity is a life where you think you have to do everything on your own. Where you are not able to receive the support you need, or you do not believe such support exists. A life where you lack the time and energy for the things you love and the people you love the most. Before building your pillar of receptivity, you might find yourself drowning in your own life and gasping for air. Your inner voice shut away, deep in the far recesses of your mind, begging for attention. If you are still building your pillar of receptivity, you may be constantly trying to prove your worth by saying ‘yes’ to too many things.


In contrast, if you have already built your pillar of receptivity, you will find you are able to live in-between the moments, completely in sync with the universal clock and connected to the deep spaciousness and timelessness of the universe. In-between the moments, there is no concern for how long something will take; you always know that the timing is perfect, and you trust that everything arrives when you are ready for it.

You know this because you are receptive to the non-verbal, mystical essence that permeates the universe. What in Sanskrit is called Sat-Chit-Ananda – The Blissful Intelligence of the Universe or in China, The Eternal Tao. In Western New-Age terms, you would talk about trusting Life, or The Universe. When you receive support from The Blissful Intelligence of the Universe, you are able to use your intuition as a guidance system to navigate your life and achieve your goals.

The ancient Chinese master Lao Tzu, author of the Tao De Jing is somebody who exemplified receptivity. So is Saint Hildegard of Bingen, a twelfth century nun who accomplished an incredible amount in her life, all while maintaining her mystical connection and ability to enter into visionary, mystical states. And in your own life? Think about that friend who always seems to be taking risks and trusting that everything will work out? And it does… Think about the successful entrepreneur who takes regular breaks for meditation, or simply takes catnaps throughout the day to restore their vigor? They too are successfully living in receptivity.

And you yourself? You probably have at least one story to tell about how you followed your inner voice on a crazy adventure that ended up changing your life. A time when you listened deeply to the intelligence of life and when you had the clarity of mind to know when to say yes, and when to say no, when to turn left, and when to turn right, no matter what the logical mind said and no matter what fears came up around having that journey.

When you build the pillar of receptivity and your ability to listen deeply to the spaciousness within you, you will always find balance. Balance of time for yourself, and time for others. Time for chores, and time for indulgence. Time for practical work, and time for meditation. And when your boundaries get pushed, and the chores seem to pile up, you always rise to the challenge and stretch yourself yet again so that the spaciousness in-between the moments lasts even longer, and everything gets done in perfect timing and in balance with your need to rest and receive.

Empath to Mystic: the Art of Mastering Your Intuition and Fearlessly Being Yourself

EMPATH TO MYSTIC will take you on a journey that awakens your ability to be guided by your soul (your intuition) rather than fear. It will tell you how to build an ability to be receptive to your soul's guidance that will sustain you through all the hardships you might face on your journey. It will help you build a greater confidence when sharing yourself with the world.

Available as e-book, paperback & audio

Soul Alignment

Alignment with your soul's guidance (your intuition), is literally the most important thing you can do in order to restructure the foundation on which you build your life. Building it from a place of authenticity and truth rather than fear.  Aaran's 1-1 sessions and classes provide you with the support you need to do that. 

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