

The following is an excerpt from the book
Empath to Mystic: The Art of Mastering Your Intuition and Fearlessly Being Yourself by Aaran Solh

Weaving Creation From Silence

While building the pillar of creativity, you may find yourself overburdened with circling thoughts (‘head-chatter’) and a feeling of emptiness. The bad kind of emptiness, not the fertile kind. The kind of emptiness where you can’t ever seem to attain that which you desire. The kind of emptiness that comes from repeatedly trying to feel happy but always falling short.

This kind of emptiness where you are lost in a maze of thoughts has a very specific cause. The cause is a wounded heart and an inability to fully experience your own emotions – a kind of numbness. So, the first step to building your pillar of creativity is to open your heart and dive in. And the second step is to emerge out of the other side of your heart into the great fertile emptiness and silence within you. The kind of silence that you attain when you fully experience your emotions and are able to receive from your connection to a source of nourishment within. When you give yourself access to this fertile emptiness within you, you become a true weaver of creation. When you weave from the infinite pool of potential in your heart, your creativity naturally flows and births new ideas in your current area of passion.

When you open your heart, you gain access to your genius. In the spiritual realms think of poets like Indian mystic Mira Bai and the Sufis Rumi and Hafiz as being truly connected to their creativity with an unburdened and silent heart. Spiritually awake artists like Alex Grey come to mind as well. But you can find examples of truly inspired creators in any field. They are the joyful kindergarten teacher down the street and the scattered scientist you had as a professor in college. They are even the high tech geek who never leaves his computer because he is developing the next generation of computing.

When you have built your pillar of creativity, you are able to see the infinite patterns of life strung throughout the universe. You can follow them in your imagination and weave together new and inspirational things. This is how genius is born, and it all starts with unburdening your heart and opening it to the true spiritual experience of emptiness that is the primordial soup of creation, containing an infinity of potential and possibility within it.

Empath to Mystic: the Art of Mastering Your Intuition and Fearlessly Being Yourself

EMPATH TO MYSTIC will take you on a journey that awakens your ability to be guided by your soul (your intuition) rather than fear. It will tell you how to engage the creative forces that will sustain you through all the hardships you might face on your journey. It will help you build the confidence to share that creativity with the world.

Available as e-book, paperback & audio

Soul Alignment

Alignment with your soul's guidance (your intuition), is literally the most important thing you can do in order to restructure the foundation on which you build your life. Building it from a place of authenticity and truth rather than fear.  Aaran's 1-1 sessions and classes provide you with the support you need to do that. 

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